How To Celebrate St. Patrick's Day With Your Frenchie The Right Way

MARCH 09, 2024

Alright, Bronx folks and beyond, gather around! As an expert in all things dog and a Bronx native to boot, I’m here to share how to make St. Patrick's Day a blast for you and your Frenchie, all while keeping their well-being at the forefront. So, let’s jump into a celebration that’s green, serene, and everything in between.

Fashion first: Go green with your Frenchie, but keep their comfort in mind. A soft, festive bandana is perfect for the occasion, adding just the right touch without causing any distress. Remember, the aim is for both of you to enjoy the festivities, not for your pup to feel uncomfortable in cumbersome outfits.

Parade participation: If your heart is set on attending one of the many exhilarating St. Patrick's Day parades, and your Frenchie is okay with crowds, then why not? Just be mindful of their needs – stay hydrated, keep snacks handy, and ensure they’re securely leashed. It's all about enjoying the parade safely and stress-free.

Opting for a quieter celebration? A themed photoshoot at home can be just as fun! Deck yourselves out in festive garb and snap away. You can even turn it into a sweet fundraising opportunity for local dog shelters, combining fun with philanthropy.

Treats are a must: Pamper your pooch with some St. Patrick's Day-themed goodies from pet bakeries. Look for green goodies or shamrock-shaped treats that are dog-safe. Always check the ingredients, and remember, treats are best enjoyed in moderation.

After all the day’s excitement, wind down with some quality cuddle time. Relaxation is just as important as the day’s activities, making it the perfect end to a perfect celebration.

Following these tips, you're set for a St. Patrick's Day that's both fun and considerate of your Frenchie's needs. From the Bronx streets to wherever you call home, may the luck of the Irish be with you and your furry companion!

Rascal Coppinger
